Welcome to foosball.fyi

This website targets to be a community-driven page to provide foosball information for beginners. It should provide them basic rules to join the foosball community and some links to extend their interest and knowledge in case their interest is caught.

How is it supposed to work?

The idea is to build pages for locations (f.e. pubs, sports clubs, …) with details on how to join the foosball table/-s at that location (like “how to challenge?”, “how to win?” etc). There are already similar things out there - like the “let’s foos”-app - which are supposed to spread locations and similar… but those are already pretty advanced and rather for folks who search explicitly for such stuff. This page instead should be spread (by volunteers who love foosball, aka you? 😉) in the locations themselves (via QR-Code at the locations or simply as info print-out) to maybe guide people there and make it easier accessible to everyone.

How to become a contributor / volunteer?

All it takes is an account on GitHub actually! You can contribute translations, content and - if you are into it - also code (simply Markdown for content and a bit YAML for meta-data, more customizations possible aswell 👀). For more information on how have a look into the contributing guide.